Theoretical Foundations of the Greenhouse Effect and Air Pollutants
  DOI: 10.62796/pijst.2024v1i9001   DOI URL:
Published Date: 05-09-2024 Issue: Vol. 1 No. 9 (2024): September 2024 Published Paper PDF: Download
Abstract- This work describes how Artificial Intelligence can be used and is being used in the field of special Education. The use of AI is still unclear for the educators how to make pedagogical advantage of it on a broader scale and how AI can impact on teaching and learning in special education. it has influenced educational sector to make it more inclusive and accessible for students with visual, hearing, mobility and intellectual disabilities. The impact of AI in education and its pros and cons are presented here. It also describes a specific way to develop AI enabled platform for special education and finally the after effects of AI in special education. The data collection was based on qualitative research that was conducted using focused interviews from teachers and students with special needs. The study in particular focused on whether the literature covered the theme of analyzing the impact of AI on (a) Special Need Education; (b) AI helping teachers to promote special need education. The study also tried to propose the framework for an inclusive future of Special Need Education based on focused interview.