Publication Fee (PIJST.COM)
International Journal Processing Charge
Procedure International Journal of Science and Technology (PIJST) provide a quality publishing platform for research scholars. All the papers are published after successful peer review by subject expert. Once authorβs paper is accepted for publish in Procedure International Journal of Science and Technology (PIJST) Journal, the registration for publication phase begins.
Rs. 1,500.00
$ 60.00
We cover the costs partially through article processing fees. Our expenses are divided into the following categories: editorial costs, electronic composition and production, journal information system, manuscript management system, electronic archiving, overhead charges, and administrative costs. Moreover, we are providing research paper publishing at the minimum available cost.
Authors have to pay the publication charges according to authorβs category only. It is mandatory that at least one author of an accepted paper may register in order for the paper to appear in the Journal publication Issue. If an author has got more than one accepted papers, then authors have to pay the payment as paper wise individual.